Friday, 27 February 2009

First Post

Hello World!

That's usually the first computer program people are taught to write - printing words to a screen, normally looking something like;
int main ()
cout << "Hello World!";
return 0;
so I find it kind of cute that thousands of lines of code have gone into writing the operating system to display the pixels that show the windows that host the web application and navigate the internet, just to allow me to write!

I've just read Simon Whaley's article in NAWG magazine to fall in love with writing again (since I missed his no doubt excellent workshop :o( ), so here's me, flirting again.

I'm not sure what I'm going to write on here, but I don't suppose anyone else does either really, so I'm in good company. I might use it to write my next novel....


  1. You flirting Brian - oh I've come over all a-tingle - :)

    Welcome to blogging pal

  2. Dear Bryan

    Welcome from a fellow blogger you will find it gets addictive once you get into the swing of posting everyday.

    Best wishes.

